The Luunja Rosegarden is located ~15 minutes by car from Tartu. You find the map here.

The 11th annual welsh corgi speciality will be held this year on 20th July 2024 in Tartumaa, Luunja rosegarden.

This year the judges will be:
- cardigans:
Roslyn Gardiner (Ellwood), Great Britain (kennel Elmsmere)
- pembrokes:
Alexandra Trefàn-Török, Hungary (kennel Born To Be)

- e-mail: entry form to with neccessary documentation ( pedigree, champion titels)
- Estonian Kennel Union ONLINE site

Registration fees until 31.05.2024:
babyclass / puppyclass / veterans - 25€
other classes - 35€
braces - 5€
pet class - 25€

Registration fees 01.06 - 07.07.2024:
babyclass / puppyclass / veterans - 30€
other classes - 40€
braces - 5€
pet class - 30€

NB! Breeder and Progeny class - 0 EUR

Entry fee to bank account:
Eesti Welsh Corgide Tõuühing, b/a EE251010220077550010

NB! On Friday, Saturday and Sunday, 3 national dog shows are held in Elva (30 minutes drive).
More info: